Watergate, the break-in and cover-up of the Democratic Headquarters while trying to get the “dirt” on the opposition during Nixon’s re-election campaign, had such little impact on our country as compared to our current administration’s behaviors. In Watergate no one died and our country was not overrun with undocumented illegals. In the end of the Watergate investigations, 43 people, many of them senior officials, were either indicted, tried or went to prison because of Watergate. Those tried included Nixon's onetime attorney general, his chief of staff and his domestic policy chief.
Now look at our present day administration and all the illegal activities it has been involved in. No one has been indicted, no one has been fired, no one is in prison; but all the illegal actions did result in deaths and continue to endanger Americans. There are so many serious scandals (Extortion 17, Benghazi, IRS targeting conservatives, Fast & Furious, breaking of our laws on immigration, releasing 5 terrorists for a deserter and many more) but I’ll focus on 2 of the careless (and I feel intentional) murders of innocent Americans: Extortion 17 and Benghazi.
“The desperation by Obama, Clinton, and their political teams must have been potent. It was so potent that they – rather than admitting that they caused an Islamist conflagration in Libya by ousting and killing Gadhafi – preferred to ignore pleas for increased security from Ambassador Stevens; to abandon him and his colleagues to rampaging terrorists; refused to follow up with force against those who attacked us; and to lie to the American people about the nature of the attack. Rather than admit that it was a planned attack by a terrorist group in league with al Qaeda, the Obama/Clinton machine knowingly put out the lie that the killings were the result of a spontaneous demonstration in response to an obscure Internet video supposedly offensive to radical Islamists. The message: don’t blame us – blame those who offend Islamists (conservatives, Republicans, etc.). Indeed, rather than sending our military to eliminate the enemy in Libya, the Obama administration arrested the poor sap who made the offending video.” ~ Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch
Like Nixon, Obama and Clinton were also involved in illegal and unethical activities in order to retain their power. If Americans knew about their terrible handling (mishandling) of the Benghazi tragedy before, during, and after, it would mean the end of their political aspirations so they didn’t protect American citizens (right down to watching the murders and not sending in help) and they lied about it after. They lied to the families of the murdered Americans! They lied to the world. They have not one ounce of integrity.
“Extortion 17 could be a bigger scandal and betrayal of Americans than Benghazi. While Benghazi resulted in four American deaths, Extortion 17 resulted in 38 deaths, including nearly two dozen Navy SEALs. Many of these SEALs were made famous, credited with the killing of Osama bin Laden. The Chinook helicopter they were aboard was shot down by Taliban forces, which written testimony confirms knew the elite forces were coming into the area. Families are going after the Obama administration for what they believe were leaks that led to their family members' deaths.” Tim Brown
Not much has come out about Extortion 17 and the Obama gang has been able to keep much of this scandal from the American public. If you do the research and I would suggest you read the book Betrayed, the Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 by Billy Vaughn, one of the Navy SEAL fathers, you will find unbelievable actions taken by this administration which led to the deaths of 38 people, including 17 members of SEAL Team 6, the team from the Osama Bin Laden mission. There is another book by a Navy JAG officer Don Brown, Call Sign Extortion 17: the Shoot Down of SEAL Team Six, which is being released this month.
How is it that so many went to jail from Nixon’s administration and Nixon had to leave office for a break-in (no deaths) yet Obama, Clinton, Holder, and their whole gang just keep going on breaking our laws and allowing murders of Americans with absolutely no regrets or feelings of self-disgust. They just keep on the same old path and lie and cover up with no concern that they will be held accountable. WHY? What is wrong with Americans that they are not constantly and loudly protesting? How can they get away with these terrible actions? In the years since Watergate, has America gone so far down the path of destruction that these acts of murder, lies, and cover-ups can be totally ignored and allowed to continue? I’m praying every day for our country to wake up and stand up for what is right and honest. If the election in 2016 results in more people of little substance and little integrity, I’m not sure there is anywhere else in the world to move to but I will be on the lookout between now and November, 2016.