April 20, 2009 the keynote speaker for the UN Anti-Racism conference (only the 2nd of its kind in 60 years of the UN) was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran. This is a man whose government discriminates against women, hangs gay people, and calls the holocaust a myth. Ahmadinejad supports NO values consistent with defending human rights.
The UN was created after WWII to ensure global security and protect human rights. The UN is not upholding the principles for which it was created. “Americans are currently charged with paying 22 percent of the regular budget and more than 27 percent of the peacekeeping budget, although they are often disappointed by the U.N.’s inability to live up to its mission. The body’s inaction regarding Syria is but the latest example.”
Ken King, a peacekeeper at the UN during the cold war is quoted in the movie: “There is no discipline and no accountability—they are paid to do nothing. They put terrible people in who were raping young girls. The peacekeepers are at the beaches and brothels with UN cars. They are preying on the very people they are supposed to be helping.”
UN surprise inspection of suspected atomic bomb production sites is a joke. It was all about process and never results. They have a huge budget and are completely ineffective. Iran had a huge 40-mega. Heavy water reactor—a reactor of this size cannot be used for energy; one this size is for weapons. There were photos of Iran’s site but the UN did not inspect it until 1 ½ years later and by then it was completely removed, the topsoil was taken out and new topsoil was put in. Process is a way of avoiding a problem and kicking it down the road. UN keeps the process going while Iran continues to enrich uranium to make bombs.
After 9/11/2001, the UN passed Resolution 1373 which was to stop travel and safe haven of terrorists. What does the counter-terrorism unit use? Reports from countries that don’t comply—they travel to those countries and stay about a week. They don’t go to the real terrorist countries; they go to safe countries like Thailand. The UN will not name sponsors of terror. Syria was elected to sit on the UN Security Council less than 1 month after 9/11. Syria arms terrorists. Despite its deep connections to terrorism, they were elected to the president’s council of the UN Security Council.
UN Corruption: “Fraud and mismanagement remain troublingly common. The organization’s oversight mechanisms remain inadequate, as a recent report by the U.N.’s own Joint Inspection Unit explains. Its efforts to address global problems such as terrorism, human trafficking, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction have been weak, ineffectual, or counterproductive. Indeed, the U.N. cannot even agree on a definition of terrorism.” When Saddam Hussein was in power, he just made pay offs to the UN officials. The biggest scam in the history of human aid was the oil for food scam negotiated by Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the UN Secretary General. This scam gave Saddam free reign and the bribes were documented.
Peacekeepers do nothing: Between April and July in 1994 nearly 1 million men, women, and children were exterminated in Rwanda. The UN had a peacekeeping mission in Rwanda before the genocide began. The UN had the names of who was going to be exterminated. An informer came forward from the militia. At a UN school 2500 Tutsi were behind the school gates. The UN was told to evacuate and leave the Tutsis behind. Within minutes of their leaving, the Hutu entered the school with machetes, knives, and spears and began the massacre. Boutros Boutros-Ghali sold weapons to Rwanda. The UN knew the money was going to buy weapons but they kept sending them money. Rwanda was sitting on the Security Council and said it was a civil war but in fact it was genocide and the UN allowed it!
Where was the UN human rights body? They are supposed to be the first line of defense.
In 2003 Sudan slaughtered hundreds of thousands of its citizens in the Darfur region. Their report said there was no rape, no genocide. When Ami asked what was the root cause of the unrest in Sudan, the UN ambassador said, “climate change.”
In April 2010 Iran was elected to the UN Commission on the Status of Women, the organization’s agency for protecting the rights of women around the world.
The UN Charter at the Washington archives states: “preventing war, maintaining peace, assuring human rights.” However, the work of the UN shows none of this. There are no consequences but the founders call for expulsion of any member who violates any of the principles.
· The UN still has no definition for terrorism.
· Iran is still a member in good standing!
· There have been more than 1,000 cases of sexual abuse & rape by UN peacekeepers
· In 2010 the United States spent nearly $8 billion on the UN and its programs
· That was a 21% increase over 2009
We must demand that the United States either require accountability and true defense of its principles or we must withdraw from this joke of an organization.