The November 6 election will determine what type of person we want to be the leader of America. For those of us who have been paying attention, we know the extent of Obama’s distortions and outright lies.

Obama & his administration are desperately trying to protect Obama's vision of himself as a great commander in chief and healer of relations in the Middle East, with al Qaeda on the run. They are trying to keep that vision until after the election so that most voters in America won't know the truth before they vote. After all, are you hearing the truth on the mainstream media? They are trying just as desperately to protect the Obama image that has been portrayed during his administration.
After all the news about Benghazi (news on Fox News that is) I think we can safely say that the Obama administration did cover up what really happened in the aftermath. What is more important is why were those Americans who died not protected? Obama’s policies have left Americans dangerously vulnerable, in our own country and all over the world.
· On Feb. 14, 2012 more than 700 FBI documents and 300 presentations were considered “unusable” by subject matter experts because they were considered offensive to the Muslim community. The ISNA, Islamic Society of North America, is dictating what the FBI and other US agencies can have in their training programs! President of the ISNA, Mohamid Magid, sits on the US Department of Homeland Security advisory committee and works with the national security council. This is a man who is president of a named co-conspiracy organization of terrorism. He held a prayer at the White House and he was right at the head table with Obama. Under the Freedom of Information Act, Congress requested a list of who was at the meeting with FBI Director Mueller to purge documents but the Department of Justice did not reply to the request. Those convicted of the Holy Land Terrorism have access to the documents but our attorney general will NOT allow Congress to see them!
· Our own soldiers in Afghanistan are being killed by the people they are training. Seventy percent (70%) of the deaths in Afghanistan have been during Obama’s time in office—3 years of Obama to more than 8 years prior Obama!
· During Obama’s speech to the UN on 9/25/12 he said: “Let us remember that Muslims have suffered the most at the hands of extremism.” . . .”The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.
· It was Obama and his administration that inflamed the supposed outrage over the anti-Islam video by telling the world about it constantly—even buying airtime on Pakistani television to broadcast that apologetic message. What about Obama’s constant reminder that he killed Osama Bin Laden. Does he think al Qaeda thinks that is a good thing? Instead, for 2 weeks he kept blaming Benghazi on a youtube video that, before he started talking about it, almost no one had even seen it.
· Obama’s policy is appeasement when dealing with all things Islam: Lies about Benghazi, deception that the Times Square bomber in 2010 was “an isolated extremist,” Fort Hood shooting was labeled workplace violence—refusing to present events as they actually are to color our views and paint himself as the great peacemaker.
· Obama’s release of all the information on SEAL Team VI and the killing of Osama bin Laden: Just three months after the raid by Navy SEAL Team VI, those same SEALS were killed. On their way to a mission in Afghanistan, the helicopter they were in was shot down. All 38 American and Afghan service members who were aboard perished, marking the largest loss of life in America’s 11 years of military operations in Afghanistan. Twenty of the twenty-two SEALs and SEAL support were from SEAL Team VI. Obama’s leaking of information and his constrictive “rules of engagement” intended to win the “hearts and minds” of the Afghan people directly contributed to the deaths of all those aboard the helicopter. SEAL Billy Vaughn’s dad said: “When the Obama administration leaked the identity of the SEALs after the bin Laden raid, a target was put on their back. By increasing the reliance on special operators in prosecuting the war, but not giving them the top line equipment and personnel to support them, this administration bears responsibility for the events of that fateful night. And the (Obama) rules of engagement that let my son’s killers walk away unscratched is a betrayal of our commitment to our warriors in the field.” Did you hear about any of this on mainstream media? And guess was the families of those SEALs received from Obama--form letters with a stamped signature!
· Benghazi: Former CIA covert operations officer said the question is not so much who knew and when they knew, but why were they left so vulnerable. There were more than 230 security incidents in Libya between June 2011 and July 2012. Of those attacks, 48 took place in Benghazi, two at the US diplomatic compound & scene of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks. The UK and the Red Cross closed their facilities in Benghazi in June due to the rise in violence. Common sense would tell anyone to prepare for an attack on Sept. 11! Yet our State Dept. took out 30 personnel from Libya in the 6 months prior to the attack. The facility that Ambassador Stevens was in wasn’t properly protected. The “safe haven” was a closet! The February 17 Brigade that was supposed to provide security support was a “bunch of poorly trained, unvetted young Libyans used as our primary security element at that point. … Why this tragedy occurred in the first place is the screwup.” Also, we now know, after emails to the White House, State Dept., and the Pentagon were uncovered, that the 2 Navy SEALs fought for 7 hours before they were killed. Where was the help from America? Obama’s administration is now saying they had to get permission from Libya to cross the border!
· Obama and his administration have told so many lies that it is impossible to report them all. Your responsibility is to tell everyone you know about the truth and to vote for Romney on November 6.
After all the news about Benghazi (news on Fox News that is) I think we can safely say that the Obama administration did cover up what really happened in the aftermath. What is more important is why were those Americans who died not protected? Obama’s policies have left Americans dangerously vulnerable, in our own country and all over the world.
· On Feb. 14, 2012 more than 700 FBI documents and 300 presentations were considered “unusable” by subject matter experts because they were considered offensive to the Muslim community. The ISNA, Islamic Society of North America, is dictating what the FBI and other US agencies can have in their training programs! President of the ISNA, Mohamid Magid, sits on the US Department of Homeland Security advisory committee and works with the national security council. This is a man who is president of a named co-conspiracy organization of terrorism. He held a prayer at the White House and he was right at the head table with Obama. Under the Freedom of Information Act, Congress requested a list of who was at the meeting with FBI Director Mueller to purge documents but the Department of Justice did not reply to the request. Those convicted of the Holy Land Terrorism have access to the documents but our attorney general will NOT allow Congress to see them!
· Our own soldiers in Afghanistan are being killed by the people they are training. Seventy percent (70%) of the deaths in Afghanistan have been during Obama’s time in office—3 years of Obama to more than 8 years prior Obama!
· During Obama’s speech to the UN on 9/25/12 he said: “Let us remember that Muslims have suffered the most at the hands of extremism.” . . .”The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.
· It was Obama and his administration that inflamed the supposed outrage over the anti-Islam video by telling the world about it constantly—even buying airtime on Pakistani television to broadcast that apologetic message. What about Obama’s constant reminder that he killed Osama Bin Laden. Does he think al Qaeda thinks that is a good thing? Instead, for 2 weeks he kept blaming Benghazi on a youtube video that, before he started talking about it, almost no one had even seen it.
· Obama’s policy is appeasement when dealing with all things Islam: Lies about Benghazi, deception that the Times Square bomber in 2010 was “an isolated extremist,” Fort Hood shooting was labeled workplace violence—refusing to present events as they actually are to color our views and paint himself as the great peacemaker.
· Obama’s release of all the information on SEAL Team VI and the killing of Osama bin Laden: Just three months after the raid by Navy SEAL Team VI, those same SEALS were killed. On their way to a mission in Afghanistan, the helicopter they were in was shot down. All 38 American and Afghan service members who were aboard perished, marking the largest loss of life in America’s 11 years of military operations in Afghanistan. Twenty of the twenty-two SEALs and SEAL support were from SEAL Team VI. Obama’s leaking of information and his constrictive “rules of engagement” intended to win the “hearts and minds” of the Afghan people directly contributed to the deaths of all those aboard the helicopter. SEAL Billy Vaughn’s dad said: “When the Obama administration leaked the identity of the SEALs after the bin Laden raid, a target was put on their back. By increasing the reliance on special operators in prosecuting the war, but not giving them the top line equipment and personnel to support them, this administration bears responsibility for the events of that fateful night. And the (Obama) rules of engagement that let my son’s killers walk away unscratched is a betrayal of our commitment to our warriors in the field.” Did you hear about any of this on mainstream media? And guess was the families of those SEALs received from Obama--form letters with a stamped signature!
· Benghazi: Former CIA covert operations officer said the question is not so much who knew and when they knew, but why were they left so vulnerable. There were more than 230 security incidents in Libya between June 2011 and July 2012. Of those attacks, 48 took place in Benghazi, two at the US diplomatic compound & scene of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks. The UK and the Red Cross closed their facilities in Benghazi in June due to the rise in violence. Common sense would tell anyone to prepare for an attack on Sept. 11! Yet our State Dept. took out 30 personnel from Libya in the 6 months prior to the attack. The facility that Ambassador Stevens was in wasn’t properly protected. The “safe haven” was a closet! The February 17 Brigade that was supposed to provide security support was a “bunch of poorly trained, unvetted young Libyans used as our primary security element at that point. … Why this tragedy occurred in the first place is the screwup.” Also, we now know, after emails to the White House, State Dept., and the Pentagon were uncovered, that the 2 Navy SEALs fought for 7 hours before they were killed. Where was the help from America? Obama’s administration is now saying they had to get permission from Libya to cross the border!
· Obama and his administration have told so many lies that it is impossible to report them all. Your responsibility is to tell everyone you know about the truth and to vote for Romney on November 6.