Are we so used to lies in this country that we no longer find them unacceptable? If we don’t stand up for what is right and true, we will soon go the way of ancient Rome & Egypt, Germany, Japan—all those civilizations and countries that went down the road to evil and eventually destruction. We have time yet (I hope) but we must stand for what is right as a country. We can’t keep accepting the lies and cover-ups of the Obama administration. We are losing the freedoms so many died for and we’re just letting it happen.
What happened to the baby boomers who would not stand for the way the government was drafting our young men in the 60’s and 70’s, sending them to Viet Nam, but then not giving them support in the battles so over 50,000 died—because an administration did not give them what they needed to survive. That is exactly what is happening now in Afghanistan. Our government is sending the military in without the support they need. Obama is more supportive of the Afghans than our service men and women. The only difference between Viet Nam and Afghanistan is our military is not drafted now—they volunteer. Is that why my generation is not out there trying to get protection for our military? They can’t be drafted, their kids aren’t drafted so they ignore what is happening to our military because they joined the military and weren’t drafted? Is that why this generation in college now is ignoring the lack of support for our military—because our government is not drafting them the way they drafted our young men in the 60’s and 70’s? It is way past time for this country to examine what is really happening. A good start would be to read Betrayed, The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 as told by a Navy SEAL’s Father. Our mainstream media is ignoring what this administration is doing to our country—at home and around the world. Many more of our men and women have been killed and wounded under Obama than under the Bush Administration but there is no outrage against what Obama is doing.
Lie: “I will not take your guns away,” candidate Barack Obama in 2008. Now as president Obama signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. Obama as president has used every tragedy in our country to promote his anti-gun agenda—Newtown school shooting, Aurora Movie Theater shooting, and the Washington, D.C. Naval Yard shooting. In every case these tragedies could have been prevented if people paid attention to the mental state of the shooters. It was not the guns that caused those tragedies but the mentally ill people holding the guns! The shooters who carried out these tragedies were mentally ill but their mental state was ignored. In the case of the Navy Yard killer, a contract worker, the police warned the Navy he was a violent schizophrenic and he had a record of firearm abuse. But he had “secret” security clearance with a valid Navy ID with free access to the Navy Yard—a gun-free zone. We don’t have a gun problem in this country; we have a problem with enforcing laws already on the books and we have a problem recognizing and treating people who have a mental problem. We have a problem in this country with disasters caused by a country obsessed with being politically correct. Obama can take all the guns away from law-abiding citizens and still have the tragedies. The mentally ill and the criminals will get guns or knives or make bombs or get whatever to accomplish their agenda. Look at the cities in America with the strongest anti-gun laws (like Chicago) and you will find the highest number of murders. The criminals and terrorists will still have access and will be allowed free reign because we want to “win hearts and minds;” we don’t want to offend anyone. Murders on a military base committed for Allah are called “workplace” violence because we have an administration that does not protect Americans but instead protects those who want to destroy America.
Obama cites Australia and the United Kingdom as model countries who took guns away from law-abiding citizens. Norway already has some of the toughest gun laws in the world, but they were apparently easily circumvented by the killer. A mentally-ill man (with guns and explosives) killed 77 people and injured many more. The killer at the Washington D.C. Naval Yard never should have had a gun and never should have had the ID to get onto the Naval Yard. He had previous problems with guns and nothing was done. If we look the other way when someone is breaking the law or showing signs of mental problems, then we will continue to have the tragedies. It is not the laws and the guns—it is people. Obama will not stand firm in critical situations where strength is required and yet he is determined to take away constitutional rights from law-abiding citizens. When this administration really messes up (like the Fast and Furious disaster), they just cover up the truth and refuse to release the documents that would show their involvement and they get away with it! What is most puzzling to me though is how Americas can be fooled by their lies? As the lies pile up and so many in the media and around the country continue to believe the lies and make excuses, I began to think about that old Andersen folktale, The Emperor's New Clothes. This is exactly what is happening in our country today--the obvious truth is denied by the majority despite the evidence clearly in front of them.
We MUST take back our country before it is too late. Take a stand, do the research to find out the truth, stop listening to the lies!
What happened to the baby boomers who would not stand for the way the government was drafting our young men in the 60’s and 70’s, sending them to Viet Nam, but then not giving them support in the battles so over 50,000 died—because an administration did not give them what they needed to survive. That is exactly what is happening now in Afghanistan. Our government is sending the military in without the support they need. Obama is more supportive of the Afghans than our service men and women. The only difference between Viet Nam and Afghanistan is our military is not drafted now—they volunteer. Is that why my generation is not out there trying to get protection for our military? They can’t be drafted, their kids aren’t drafted so they ignore what is happening to our military because they joined the military and weren’t drafted? Is that why this generation in college now is ignoring the lack of support for our military—because our government is not drafting them the way they drafted our young men in the 60’s and 70’s? It is way past time for this country to examine what is really happening. A good start would be to read Betrayed, The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 as told by a Navy SEAL’s Father. Our mainstream media is ignoring what this administration is doing to our country—at home and around the world. Many more of our men and women have been killed and wounded under Obama than under the Bush Administration but there is no outrage against what Obama is doing.
Lie: “I will not take your guns away,” candidate Barack Obama in 2008. Now as president Obama signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. Obama as president has used every tragedy in our country to promote his anti-gun agenda—Newtown school shooting, Aurora Movie Theater shooting, and the Washington, D.C. Naval Yard shooting. In every case these tragedies could have been prevented if people paid attention to the mental state of the shooters. It was not the guns that caused those tragedies but the mentally ill people holding the guns! The shooters who carried out these tragedies were mentally ill but their mental state was ignored. In the case of the Navy Yard killer, a contract worker, the police warned the Navy he was a violent schizophrenic and he had a record of firearm abuse. But he had “secret” security clearance with a valid Navy ID with free access to the Navy Yard—a gun-free zone. We don’t have a gun problem in this country; we have a problem with enforcing laws already on the books and we have a problem recognizing and treating people who have a mental problem. We have a problem in this country with disasters caused by a country obsessed with being politically correct. Obama can take all the guns away from law-abiding citizens and still have the tragedies. The mentally ill and the criminals will get guns or knives or make bombs or get whatever to accomplish their agenda. Look at the cities in America with the strongest anti-gun laws (like Chicago) and you will find the highest number of murders. The criminals and terrorists will still have access and will be allowed free reign because we want to “win hearts and minds;” we don’t want to offend anyone. Murders on a military base committed for Allah are called “workplace” violence because we have an administration that does not protect Americans but instead protects those who want to destroy America.
Obama cites Australia and the United Kingdom as model countries who took guns away from law-abiding citizens. Norway already has some of the toughest gun laws in the world, but they were apparently easily circumvented by the killer. A mentally-ill man (with guns and explosives) killed 77 people and injured many more. The killer at the Washington D.C. Naval Yard never should have had a gun and never should have had the ID to get onto the Naval Yard. He had previous problems with guns and nothing was done. If we look the other way when someone is breaking the law or showing signs of mental problems, then we will continue to have the tragedies. It is not the laws and the guns—it is people. Obama will not stand firm in critical situations where strength is required and yet he is determined to take away constitutional rights from law-abiding citizens. When this administration really messes up (like the Fast and Furious disaster), they just cover up the truth and refuse to release the documents that would show their involvement and they get away with it! What is most puzzling to me though is how Americas can be fooled by their lies? As the lies pile up and so many in the media and around the country continue to believe the lies and make excuses, I began to think about that old Andersen folktale, The Emperor's New Clothes. This is exactly what is happening in our country today--the obvious truth is denied by the majority despite the evidence clearly in front of them.
We MUST take back our country before it is too late. Take a stand, do the research to find out the truth, stop listening to the lies!