Pelosi and other Democrats are playing their usual games--let's divert all the attention on this IRS scandal and blame it on the very groups who were targeted and harassed. They should never have non-profit status anyway. They weren't targeted; they are a political group and should not get 501 (c) (4) status. We better make another law to correct that problem. Blame the conservatives (their favorite game) because all those tea party groups are not a social group but a political one. Pelosi said they must pass another law to make it clear. Sooo, they think the IRS did nothing wrong so let's move on.
Not so fast!!! The political groups on the left did not have the same harassment. In fact, Organization for America (Obama's huge political group) too only 30 days to get their approval. Another huge group on the left, Priorities USA, was not targeted. Neither were and Organizing for Action targeted.
Meanwhile tea party groups, religious groups, companies who donated to conservative groups, Fox News reporters and producers were all targeted, investigated, and harassed. Something is very wrong with this picture! Please don't let the left switch the narrative and the responsibility again.
Not so fast!!! The political groups on the left did not have the same harassment. In fact, Organization for America (Obama's huge political group) too only 30 days to get their approval. Another huge group on the left, Priorities USA, was not targeted. Neither were and Organizing for Action targeted.
Meanwhile tea party groups, religious groups, companies who donated to conservative groups, Fox News reporters and producers were all targeted, investigated, and harassed. Something is very wrong with this picture! Please don't let the left switch the narrative and the responsibility again.