While most Americans were struggling to cut expenses and create a bare bones budget, and while Congress was in the middle of talks on tax rates and high deficits and a growing national debt, our president signed an executive order ending the freeze on wages for Congress and federal workers, giving them an $11 billion pay raise. On December 28, 2012 this executive order gave an across the board salary hike to white collar federal employees, whose average compensation already exceeded $100,000. Then on December 31, 2012 the House voted to approve legislation to block the salary hike for federal workers and members of Congress. Do you remember seeing any of this in the mainstream media? No—I didn’t either.
Last year (January 2012) the Congressional Budget Office issued a study which found that total compensation for federal employees was 16% higher than comparable private sector employees. The recent Executive Order is not necessary to keep employees, especially in this climate of high unemployment, and when people leaving federal government employment is “near all-time lows.”
What do you think will happen when the Senate considers this legislation blocking the salary hike? Also consider how Obama and the Democrats are continuing to try to control everything: Senator Harry Reid remains dead-set on killing the filibuster. He and his Democrat Majority want to “change the rules” of the Senate through the nuclear option – which only requires a vote of 51, rather than the conventional 2/3 majority – to silence his GOP opposition. Remember when all the talks on Obamacare were behind closed doors with Democrats only? Yesterday as Biden was meeting with people to work on the Executive Order possibilities to go around Congress on steps to reduce gun violence, he only met with Democrats. The pattern of blaming the Republicans, freezing out any input from the Republicans, and refusing to consider legislation coming from the House, or even to acknowledge it, which existed during Obama’s first term appears to be set in stone and will continue during his second term. Will any of this be reported in the mainstream media? Don’t be ridiculous. They have worked too hard and too long to make sure they control the discussion and you can be sure it is anything but the truth!
Last year (January 2012) the Congressional Budget Office issued a study which found that total compensation for federal employees was 16% higher than comparable private sector employees. The recent Executive Order is not necessary to keep employees, especially in this climate of high unemployment, and when people leaving federal government employment is “near all-time lows.”
What do you think will happen when the Senate considers this legislation blocking the salary hike? Also consider how Obama and the Democrats are continuing to try to control everything: Senator Harry Reid remains dead-set on killing the filibuster. He and his Democrat Majority want to “change the rules” of the Senate through the nuclear option – which only requires a vote of 51, rather than the conventional 2/3 majority – to silence his GOP opposition. Remember when all the talks on Obamacare were behind closed doors with Democrats only? Yesterday as Biden was meeting with people to work on the Executive Order possibilities to go around Congress on steps to reduce gun violence, he only met with Democrats. The pattern of blaming the Republicans, freezing out any input from the Republicans, and refusing to consider legislation coming from the House, or even to acknowledge it, which existed during Obama’s first term appears to be set in stone and will continue during his second term. Will any of this be reported in the mainstream media? Don’t be ridiculous. They have worked too hard and too long to make sure they control the discussion and you can be sure it is anything but the truth!