While most Americans were struggling to cut expenses and create a bare bones budget, and while Congress was in the middle of talks on tax rates and high deficits and a growing national debt, our president signed an executive order ending the freeze on wages for Congress and federal workers, giving them an $11 billion pay raise. On December 28, 2012 this executive order gave an across the board salary hike to white collar federal employees, whose average compensation already exceeded $100,000. Then on December 31, 2012 the House voted to approve legislation to block the salary hike for federal workers and members of Congress. Do you remember seeing any of this in the mainstream media? No—I didn’t either.
Last year (January 2012) the Congressional Budget Office issued a study which found that total compensation for federal employees was 16% higher than comparable private sector employees. The recent Executive Order is not necessary to keep employees, especially in this climate of high unemployment, and when people leaving federal government employment is “near all-time lows.” What do you think will happen when the Senate considers this legislation blocking the salary hike? Also consider how Obama and the Democrats are continuing to try to control everything: Senator Harry Reid remains dead-set on killing the filibuster. He and his Democrat Majority want to “change the rules” of the Senate through the nuclear option – which only requires a vote of 51, rather than the conventional 2/3 majority – to silence his GOP opposition. Remember when all the talks on Obamacare were behind closed doors with Democrats only? Yesterday as Biden was meeting with people to work on the Executive Order possibilities to go around Congress on steps to reduce gun violence, he only met with Democrats. The pattern of blaming the Republicans, freezing out any input from the Republicans, and refusing to consider legislation coming from the House, or even to acknowledge it, which existed during Obama’s first term appears to be set in stone and will continue during his second term. Will any of this be reported in the mainstream media? Don’t be ridiculous. They have worked too hard and too long to make sure they control the discussion and you can be sure it is anything but the truth! "Perhaps the ultimate irony of last month’s election is that Democrats won by accusing Republicans of wanting to turn back the clock. But it’s actually Democratic leadership that’s taking Americans back in time. A new study by New York University finds that In 2010, a year after the recession ended, the annual median wage in America dropped to $26,364, about what it was in 1999. But it gets worse for the middle class: while wages were returning to the ‘90s, thanks to the housing price implosion and other factors, the median net worth of Americans has fallen to $57,000 -- about what it was in 1969. So what’s new about 2012? Our staggering level of debt and the falling value of the dollar. To sum up: we’re paying 2012 prices with a 1999 paycheck and a 1969 net worth. The big question: where’s the time machine that will take us back to the ‘80s, when we knew how to fix this?" Mike Huckabee's
That says it all. Do you think any Democrats are having any remorse over their support of this mess? I do not like this Uncle Sam,
I do not like his health care scam. I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when Congress steals, I do not like their secret deals. I do not like ex-speaker Nan, I do not like this ‘YES, WE CAN!’ I do not like this spending spree-- I’m smart; I know that nothing’s free. I do not like your smug replies, when we complain about your lies. I do not like this kind of hope. I do not like it – nope, nope, nope! Sorry, I don’t remember where I got this, but it still applies today. Remember when Obama incited class warfare and he and the mainstream media portrayed Romney as a wealthy man who could not relate to the middle class and the poor. Under Obama’s administration, America presently has the highest debt in its history, the highest continuous unemployment, lower house values, lower income for Americans across the nation, and has gone from the number 1 position for best country in which to live to number 16 this past year. Look at just one aspect of Obama's hypocrisy:
· $57.8 million last year for the Royal Family in Great Britain (maintenance and security) · $1.4 BILLION last year for Obama’s family. The upcoming Christmas vacation in Hawaii will cost American taxpayers $4 million. America has a larger population, but even per capita cost is over 6 (six) times the cost per British citizen. George W. Bush stopped playing golf after 26 games during his administration because Americans were fighting in Afghanistan. Obama continues to play more gold than all American presidents combined and continues to take extravagant vacations on taxpayer money. Now I ask you: who is the person who can’t relate to Americans??? With the unbelievable crisis facing America, I think it's time for Obama to stop running around the country, stop playing golf, vacation at Camp David and be the leader he said he would be if America reelec Our present administration not only strongly backs the United Nations, but it actually wants to turn our rights as a free nation over to the control of the UN. Please watch a documentary on the UN called UNMe. You can find this movie on unmemovie.com. This movie by Ami Horowitz shows the corruption and total incompetence of the UN.
April 20, 2009 the keynote speaker for the UN Anti-Racism conference (only the 2nd of its kind in 60 years of the UN) was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran. This is a man whose government discriminates against women, hangs gay people, and calls the holocaust a myth. Ahmadinejad supports NO values consistent with defending human rights. The UN was created after WWII to ensure global security and protect human rights. The UN is not upholding the principles for which it was created. “Americans are currently charged with paying 22 percent of the regular budget and more than 27 percent of the peacekeeping budget, although they are often disappointed by the U.N.’s inability to live up to its mission. The body’s inaction regarding Syria is but the latest example.” Ken King, a peacekeeper at the UN during the cold war is quoted in the movie: “There is no discipline and no accountability—they are paid to do nothing. They put terrible people in who were raping young girls. The peacekeepers are at the beaches and brothels with UN cars. They are preying on the very people they are supposed to be helping.” UN surprise inspection of suspected atomic bomb production sites is a joke. It was all about process and never results. They have a huge budget and are completely ineffective. Iran had a huge 40-mega. Heavy water reactor—a reactor of this size cannot be used for energy; one this size is for weapons. There were photos of Iran’s site but the UN did not inspect it until 1 ½ years later and by then it was completely removed, the topsoil was taken out and new topsoil was put in. Process is a way of avoiding a problem and kicking it down the road. UN keeps the process going while Iran continues to enrich uranium to make bombs. After 9/11/2001, the UN passed Resolution 1373 which was to stop travel and safe haven of terrorists. What does the counter-terrorism unit use? Reports from countries that don’t comply—they travel to those countries and stay about a week. They don’t go to the real terrorist countries; they go to safe countries like Thailand. The UN will not name sponsors of terror. Syria was elected to sit on the UN Security Council less than 1 month after 9/11. Syria arms terrorists. Despite its deep connections to terrorism, they were elected to the president’s council of the UN Security Council. UN Corruption: “Fraud and mismanagement remain troublingly common. The organization’s oversight mechanisms remain inadequate, as a recent report by the U.N.’s own Joint Inspection Unit explains. Its efforts to address global problems such as terrorism, human trafficking, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction have been weak, ineffectual, or counterproductive. Indeed, the U.N. cannot even agree on a definition of terrorism.” When Saddam Hussein was in power, he just made pay offs to the UN officials. The biggest scam in the history of human aid was the oil for food scam negotiated by Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the UN Secretary General. This scam gave Saddam free reign and the bribes were documented. Peacekeepers do nothing: Between April and July in 1994 nearly 1 million men, women, and children were exterminated in Rwanda. The UN had a peacekeeping mission in Rwanda before the genocide began. The UN had the names of who was going to be exterminated. An informer came forward from the militia. At a UN school 2500 Tutsi were behind the school gates. The UN was told to evacuate and leave the Tutsis behind. Within minutes of their leaving, the Hutu entered the school with machetes, knives, and spears and began the massacre. Boutros Boutros-Ghali sold weapons to Rwanda. The UN knew the money was going to buy weapons but they kept sending them money. Rwanda was sitting on the Security Council and said it was a civil war but in fact it was genocide and the UN allowed it! Where was the UN human rights body? They are supposed to be the first line of defense. In 2003 Sudan slaughtered hundreds of thousands of its citizens in the Darfur region. Their report said there was no rape, no genocide. When Ami asked what was the root cause of the unrest in Sudan, the UN ambassador said, “climate change.” In April 2010 Iran was elected to the UN Commission on the Status of Women, the organization’s agency for protecting the rights of women around the world. The UN Charter at the Washington archives states: “preventing war, maintaining peace, assuring human rights.” However, the work of the UN shows none of this. There are no consequences but the founders call for expulsion of any member who violates any of the principles. · The UN still has no definition for terrorism. · Iran is still a member in good standing! · There have been more than 1,000 cases of sexual abuse & rape by UN peacekeepers · In 2010 the United States spent nearly $8 billion on the UN and its programs · That was a 21% increase over 2009 We must demand that the United States either require accountability and true defense of its principles or we must withdraw from this joke of an organization. We are nearing the end and will soon know the direction our country will take. If the Romney/Ryan ticket wins, we will be on the way to recovery and will have a chance to break out of the monumental debt and ballooning central government that Obama and his administration have instituted. If (please, God forbid) Obama/Biden remain in the White House, our country will soon bear no resemblance to the America we have known growing up. A reminder of some of Obama’s disasters over the past 4 years:
· Increased national debt by $5 trillion; all the presidents, from the beginning of our country up to Obama, accumulated $10 trillion · Spent on US welfare last year over $1 trillion; enough to send every poor household in the US a check for $60,000 · First credit downgrade in US history · Home values down 33% · High unemployment throughout his term · 4,257 “job killing” regulations · Green energy loans to cronies, many of those companies went bankrupt and others are outsourced to foreign countries · Healthcare (Obamacare) a total disaster, most of which is still to come; main financial impact was planned to come AFTER the election · Mishandled what were once strong US allies (Israel, Poland, England, Mexico and others) · Disastrous consequences to his Middle Eastern policies—in an effort to appear friendly to Islam, Obama instituted a policy of appeasement and apology which only made America appear weak and encouraged terrorism. Investigation of the USS Cole terrorism attack in Oct., 2000 showed evidence that it may have been carried out by Islamic militants with possible connections to the terrorist network led by Osama bin Laden. When no action was taken after the Cole terrorism attack, it allowed al Qaeda to be more emboldened and they carried out the September 2001 attack on America. This current administration first lied about the Benghazi terrorist attack, tried to cover it up, and now has put the investigation on hold until after the election. Obama has put Americans at home and around the world in a very dangerous position and he still continues to ignore and side step any questions on his handling of Benghazi. · The “Fast and Furious” disaster has also been put on hold until after the election because Obama and Holder do not want the truth to come to the attention of our country before the vote. Holder ignored requests from Congress to send documents on this operation until Congress filed a lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder. Obama administration officials and the Department of Justice openly defied requests for these documents. Then Obama claimed executive privilege to justify the stonewalling. Obama’s decision “was a calculated political maneuver designed to stop the release of documents until after the November election.” The complaint, filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, says that “No Court has ever held that ‘Executive privilege’ extends anywhere near as far as the Attorney General here contends that it does.” “Holder’s conception of the reach of ‘Executive privilege,’ were it to be accepted, would cripple congressional oversight of Executive branch agencies, to the very great detriment of the Nation and our constitutional structure.” Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas said: “If we can’t get the documents we need from the agencies that we create and fund, I think our Republic is in grave danger.” In October, 2012 Holder tried to get lawsuit dismissed. On Sept. 12, 2012 another lie from Obama, trying to blame President Bush again: “I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration,” the president said. “When Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it. We assigned an inspector general to do a thorough report that was just issued, confirming that in fact Eric Holder did not know about this, that he took prompt action and the people who did initiate this were held accountable.” ABC News reports: “In actuality, the Fast and Furious program was started in October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency.” We have all been told of at least one American killed by the Fast & Furious program but many do not realize that hundreds have been killed by these guns in Mexico. William McMahon, the BATFE’s assistant deputy director for field operations approved the deadly “Fast & Furious” operation, is being allowed to receive his six-figure federal paycheck (your tax money) for nearly half a year while working full-time as investment bank J. P. Morgan’s executive director for global security and investments in the Philippines. “Thirty years ago, the cover-up of a two-bit burglary of a hotel room was enough to force a U.S. president to resign and many involved went to jail. In the current administration, though, sins of an incomparably greater magnitude have been rewarded time and again.” And people died in two of Obama’s disasters (that we know of): Fast & Furious and Benghazi. How many others have been covered up? The November 6 election will determine what type of person we want to be the leader of America. For those of us who have been paying attention, we know the extent of Obama’s distortions and outright lies. Obama & his administration are desperately trying to protect Obama's vision of himself as a great commander in chief and healer of relations in the Middle East, with al Qaeda on the run. They are trying to keep that vision until after the election so that most voters in America won't know the truth before they vote. After all, are you hearing the truth on the mainstream media? They are trying just as desperately to protect the Obama image that has been portrayed during his administration. After all the news about Benghazi (news on Fox News that is) I think we can safely say that the Obama administration did cover up what really happened in the aftermath. What is more important is why were those Americans who died not protected? Obama’s policies have left Americans dangerously vulnerable, in our own country and all over the world. · On Feb. 14, 2012 more than 700 FBI documents and 300 presentations were considered “unusable” by subject matter experts because they were considered offensive to the Muslim community. The ISNA, Islamic Society of North America, is dictating what the FBI and other US agencies can have in their training programs! President of the ISNA, Mohamid Magid, sits on the US Department of Homeland Security advisory committee and works with the national security council. This is a man who is president of a named co-conspiracy organization of terrorism. He held a prayer at the White House and he was right at the head table with Obama. Under the Freedom of Information Act, Congress requested a list of who was at the meeting with FBI Director Mueller to purge documents but the Department of Justice did not reply to the request. Those convicted of the Holy Land Terrorism have access to the documents but our attorney general will NOT allow Congress to see them! · Our own soldiers in Afghanistan are being killed by the people they are training. Seventy percent (70%) of the deaths in Afghanistan have been during Obama’s time in office—3 years of Obama to more than 8 years prior Obama! · During Obama’s speech to the UN on 9/25/12 he said: “Let us remember that Muslims have suffered the most at the hands of extremism.” . . .”The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. · It was Obama and his administration that inflamed the supposed outrage over the anti-Islam video by telling the world about it constantly—even buying airtime on Pakistani television to broadcast that apologetic message. What about Obama’s constant reminder that he killed Osama Bin Laden. Does he think al Qaeda thinks that is a good thing? Instead, for 2 weeks he kept blaming Benghazi on a youtube video that, before he started talking about it, almost no one had even seen it. · Obama’s policy is appeasement when dealing with all things Islam: Lies about Benghazi, deception that the Times Square bomber in 2010 was “an isolated extremist,” Fort Hood shooting was labeled workplace violence—refusing to present events as they actually are to color our views and paint himself as the great peacemaker. · Obama’s release of all the information on SEAL Team VI and the killing of Osama bin Laden: Just three months after the raid by Navy SEAL Team VI, those same SEALS were killed. On their way to a mission in Afghanistan, the helicopter they were in was shot down. All 38 American and Afghan service members who were aboard perished, marking the largest loss of life in America’s 11 years of military operations in Afghanistan. Twenty of the twenty-two SEALs and SEAL support were from SEAL Team VI. Obama’s leaking of information and his constrictive “rules of engagement” intended to win the “hearts and minds” of the Afghan people directly contributed to the deaths of all those aboard the helicopter. SEAL Billy Vaughn’s dad said: “When the Obama administration leaked the identity of the SEALs after the bin Laden raid, a target was put on their back. By increasing the reliance on special operators in prosecuting the war, but not giving them the top line equipment and personnel to support them, this administration bears responsibility for the events of that fateful night. And the (Obama) rules of engagement that let my son’s killers walk away unscratched is a betrayal of our commitment to our warriors in the field.” Did you hear about any of this on mainstream media? And guess was the families of those SEALs received from Obama--form letters with a stamped signature! · Benghazi: Former CIA covert operations officer said the question is not so much who knew and when they knew, but why were they left so vulnerable. There were more than 230 security incidents in Libya between June 2011 and July 2012. Of those attacks, 48 took place in Benghazi, two at the US diplomatic compound & scene of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks. The UK and the Red Cross closed their facilities in Benghazi in June due to the rise in violence. Common sense would tell anyone to prepare for an attack on Sept. 11! Yet our State Dept. took out 30 personnel from Libya in the 6 months prior to the attack. The facility that Ambassador Stevens was in wasn’t properly protected. The “safe haven” was a closet! The February 17 Brigade that was supposed to provide security support was a “bunch of poorly trained, unvetted young Libyans used as our primary security element at that point. … Why this tragedy occurred in the first place is the screwup.” Also, we now know, after emails to the White House, State Dept., and the Pentagon were uncovered, that the 2 Navy SEALs fought for 7 hours before they were killed. Where was the help from America? Obama’s administration is now saying they had to get permission from Libya to cross the border! · Obama and his administration have told so many lies that it is impossible to report them all. Your responsibility is to tell everyone you know about the truth and to vote for Romney on November 6. All across the country, assisted by Obama's administration, there is a push to prevent checking on voter fraud (especially in the swing states) . Wonder why they want noncitizens and dead people to vote? Almost all of those noncitizens and dead people registered to vote are registered as Democrat or unaffiliated voters. I guess their thinking is that the only way they can stay in office and keep destroying America is to cheat!
The latest news this morning is that Colorado found 300 more noncitizens on voter rolls. Colorado started the process in 2011 but only recently was granted access to the Homeland Security list to verify citizenship of people who are voting. I thought Homeland Security was supposed to protect America??? Why is the Obama administration doing everything they can to allow voter fraud? Attempts by states to protect their rights have cost those states tremendously in terms of money and time. When states challenge the feds, the Obama administration says: "Try it and we'll sue." Just in Texas alone, the attorney general's office has filed 24 lawsuits against the federal government since Obama took office. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said the litigation is "a fight against the unprecedented ideology coming from the Obama administration." Nine attorneys general declared that the "Obama administration is riding roughshod over the law, and is using its regulatory powers to impose huge costs on the states." South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson said: "You're seeing now a federal government that's doing everything in its power to circumvent the Bill of Rights." Washington is waging an "across the board regulatory assault" on state governments. Virginia's AG said: this "administration repeatedly shows disdain for the law . . . the states, and the Constitution. It is absolutely unprecedented." Obama & his administration need to respect our Constitution. The US Constitution is an effort to have a federal government while limiting the power of that government so that states can remain truly sovereign. States, not the federal government, gave us our liberties. Obama seems to have that all wrong and is trying real hard to totally change the way this country is supposed to work. In doing that he is wasting precious resources the states cannot afford. Please vote on Nov. 6 and vote to get honesty and integrity back in the White House and Congress. Another of Obama's sarcastic, demeaning insults is false: "I think Gov. Romney maybe hasn’t spent enough time looking at how our military works,” Obama said about Romney’s complaint that there will be fewer ships in the Navy than in 1916. “Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our military’s changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them,” Obama said. “We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines. And so the question is not a game of Battleship, where we’re counting ships. It’s what are our capabilities.” Maybe if Obama attended some of his intelligence briefings he might have some knowledge about what is going on with the military. Just 3 days before he made the above comment in the debate, a horse/soldier monument was dedicated at ground zero. This monument was to honor the first soldiers sent to Afghanistan in response to the 9/11 attack. Guess what? They had to go in on horses and they had bayonets! In fact, a British soldier was recently honored for leading a bayonet charge against the Taliban in 2011 in Afghanistan. “The bayonet is still very much a useful tool," former U.S. Marine Doug Miller, of Hiawatha, Kan., told FoxNews.com. "That was kind of a dumb thing for him to say." Miller, 64, a Vietnam veteran who served in the 3rd Battalion, 11th Marines Division, said the bayonet is indispensable for Marines in urban warfare, where they may have to go room to room in search of insurgents. |
AuthorAfter being brainwashed in college (especially during my Columbia University years), I went out into the real world and discovered the truth. Over the years I have seen the way liberals ridicule and distort how conservatives & defenders of our Constitution view important issues in our country and the world. I'm writing this blog to help present the truth on political issues. Archives
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